A Pay It Forward Faith Part 2

Pastor Ron DeMoss discusses the concept of paying forward the grace, peace, and comfort received from God. Pastor Ron uses the life transformation of stuntman Evel Knievel as an example of radical salvation.


- The concept of a "Pay It Forward Faith" is about sharing God's blessings.
- God's blessings can be shared in unexpected ways, such as paying for someone's meal.
- Evel Knievel's life transformation is an example of radical salvation.
- Knievel's conversion to Christianity came after hearing a divine voice.
- Knievel regretted not coming to Christ earlier in his life.
- The grace given to us at the moment we trust in Jesus Christ is meant to be shared.
- We are called to give grace even in challenging situations.
- The peace that comes from a relationship with God is desperately needed in the world.
- Our prayers are precious to God and are saved by Him.
- God's discipline is a sign that we are His children and should comfort us.
- We need to speak God into our tribulations and anxieties.
- Knowing about Jesus is different from actually meeting Him.
- A personal encounter with Jesus Christ can radically change one's life.
- Evel Knievel used his fame to give honor and glory to Jesus.
- Trusting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior is crucial for a transformed life.


- Paying forward God's blessings is a practical application of faith.
- Radical salvation can occur regardless of one's past actions or lifestyle.
- Grace is not just received but also meant to be shared with others.
- Peace from God transcends worldly understanding and is needed globally.
- God values our prayers, indicating the importance of communication with Him.
- Divine discipline signifies our identity as God's children and provides comfort.
- Speaking God into our struggles can bring comfort and resolution.
- Personal encounters with Jesus lead to transformative life changes.
- Using one's influence to glorify God can have a significant impact.
- Personal salvation is the cornerstone of a transformed life in Christ.


- "Little did I know that God was going to put this into practice on Monday."
- "I wish I would have come to Christ earlier. I could have done so much good had I done it earlier."
- "Because Grace was given to us, the expectation is we're going to pay it forward."
- "The peace that the world is desperate for is the peace that comes from having a relationship with God."
- "God collects our prayers and he saves them because they're so precious."
- "We need to speak God into our tribulations."
- "Do you know Jesus? Have you met Jesus?"
- "Has Jesus changed your life like he's changed mine?"
- "Robert Knievel was radically saved, no longer was he a stunt man for himself but he was a stunt man for Jesus."


- Regularly attending church and engaging in sermons.
- Praying for God's blessings on others.
- Paying forward acts of kindness received from others.
- Reading and reflecting on the Bible, such as 2 Corinthians.
- Sharing personal faith experiences with others.
- Practicing grace in challenging situations.
- Praying for peace in turbulent times.
- Valuing and preserving prayers as precious communications with God.
- Speaking God into personal struggles and anxieties.
- Actively seeking personal encounters with Jesus Christ.


- Evel Knievel was a famous stuntman who converted to Christianity later in life.
- Knievel used his fame to spread the gospel message after his conversion.
- The concept of "Pay It Forward Faith" involves sharing God's blessings with others.
- God's grace is meant to be shared, not just received.
- The peace that comes from a relationship with God is needed in the world.
- God values our prayers and saves them.
- Divine discipline is a sign of being a child of God.
- Knowing about Jesus is different from actually meeting Him.
- A personal encounter with Jesus Christ can lead to a radically changed life.
- Trusting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior is crucial for a transformed life.


- 2 Corinthians 1
- 1 Corinthians 1:3-4
- Titus 2:11-14
- John 14:27
- Psalm 23:4
- Acts (unspecified verse)
- "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel


No Strong's Concordance references were mentioned in the sermon.


A "Pay It Forward Faith" involves sharing the grace, peace, and comfort received from God, leading to transformative encounters with Jesus Christ.


- Practice paying forward acts of kindness received from others.
- Reflect on the grace given to you and how you can share it.
- Pray for peace in turbulent times and for those in need.
- Value your prayers as precious communications with God.
- Speak God into your personal struggles and anxieties.
- Seek a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
- Trust Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
- Use your influence to glorify God and spread His message.
- Read and reflect on the Bible regularly for spiritual growth.
- Share your personal faith experiences with others.

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