God Of All Comforts

June 02, 2024


Pastor Ron discusses the God of all comforts, using the analogy of Linus from Peanuts dropping his iconic towel when reading the Christmas story, emphasizing the comfort and peace found in God during tribulations.

- Linus dropping his towel symbolizes finding comfort in the Christmas story.
- God comforts us in tribulations to share that comfort with others.
- Experiences, trials, and challenges are not wasted by God but used for His glory.
- Comfort in Greek means to come alongside and provide support.
- Patience, comfort, and hope are found through scriptures and God's word.
- God disciplines us out of love to grow us into His likeness.
- The rod and staff of God provide comfort through discipline.
- Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted by God.
- The Holy Spirit helps believers remember and share God's word.
- Fellowship among believers offers comfort and support through the Holy Spirit.

- God's comfort in tribulations enables believers to comfort others.
- Experiences, trials, and challenges are opportunities to share God's comfort with others.
- Comfort and support are essential in building community and solidarity within the church.

1. "God doesn't waste our experiences. God uses those for us to share."
2. "The rod and your staff, they comfort me."
3. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
4. "The Holy Spirit helps believers remember and share God's word."
5. "We need to be people who bring comfort into a desperate world."

- Praying for comfort and opportunities to glorify God during difficult times.
- Seeking opportunities to share God's comfort with others in need.
- Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's promptings to offer prayers and encouragement.

- The Greek word for comfort means to come alongside and provide support.
- Patience, comfort, and hope are found through scriptures and God's word.
- The Holy Spirit helps believers remember and share God's word effectively.

- Second Corinthians 1:3
- Psalms 23:4
- Matthew 5:4
- John 14:26

- Comfort in Greek: Strong's number G3870

Finding comfort in God during tribulations enables believers to share that comfort with others, building community and glorifying God.


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