Seek God While He is Near


Pastor Ron discusses moving from faith struggles to victory, emphasizing seeking, listening, and calling on God in Isaiah 55.


  • Faith struggles test our belief in God but reveal His work in our lives.
  • Identifying with worldly things leads to temporary satisfaction, while seeking God brings true fulfillment.
  • Coming to God empty-handed allows Him to supply us to serve others abundantly.
  • Jesus offers living water that satisfies eternally and leads to sharing the Gospel.
  • Actively listening for God's voice is crucial to experiencing His abundance and delight.
  • Seeking God while He is near leads to finding Him and having the mind of Christ.
  • The Word of God is powerful, accomplishing its purpose and bringing joy and peace.
  • Calling on God throughout history shows a consistent seeking of His presence and guidance.
  • God's Word is unchanging and transformative, bringing forth joy, peace, and eternal significance.


  1. "Whatever drives us, if God is not in it, you are wasting energy and resources."
  2. "We come to God empty-handed so that we can give abundantly to others."
  3. "The living, life-giving, sustaining Word of God will accomplish His purpose."
  4. "It is almost virtually impossible for someone to have a relationship with God and not have joy."
  5. "All of Heaven rejoices when a person is saved and comes to Christ."


  • Isaiah 55
  • 2 Chronicles 20
  • John 4:14
  • John 7:37
  • Psalm 46:10
  • Acts 17:27
  • Malachi 3:1
  • Genesis 4:26, 12:26
  • 1 Corinthians 2:16


Seeking, listening, and calling on God lead to transformation, joy, peace, and eternal significance in life.


  • Seek God's presence daily for lasting fulfillment and purpose.
  • Listen attentively for God's voice in the midst of life's struggles.
  • Call on God in prayer for guidance, peace, and joy in all circumstances.
  • Share the Gospel boldly, knowing that God's Word is powerful and transformative.
  • Embrace a relationship with God to experience true joy and peace in every situation.